Monday, October 31, 2011

Ms. Behave.

New Yorkers are constantly surrounded by the best of the very best. How quickly we forget, in other cities ordering cigarettes + swedish fish for delivery at 4AM is unheard of.

Just like the jaded New York dwellers, women today tend to forget what it meant to be a woman, not so long ago... challenges + obstacles that we babes take with a grain of salt; things that no longer effect us + ideas that seem so very old, yet were fully present just 2 generations ago. 

This month New York Magazine takes a look back at the women + the publication who helped push them forward + allowed their work to go beyond just a movement to become life as we know it.

How Do You Spell Ms.
Forty years ago, a group of feminists, led by Gloria Steinem, did the unthinkable: They started a magazine for women, published by women—and the first issue sold out in eight days. An oral history of a publication that changed history.

Full Article HERE.