Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tip of The Week: O'Donnell's Opinion

Am I the only person who finds it ironic that Republican Candidate for the US Senate, Christine O’Donnell was born in 1969 and has most likely never even tried to 69? Or wait, perhaps it was like her bout with Witchcraft and was just something she experimented with in college…

Either way, O’Donnell has taken a strong public stance against masturbation and ‘lust’ in hopes of drawing attention to her political agenda. Unfortunately O’Donnell doesn’t seem to have a political agenda, but rather just a religious one.

I don’t quite understand the point of openly judging everyone in the world who does not agree with her views? If Christine O’Donnell doesn’t like lustful sex because God told her not to, that is fine with me; I’m not the one missing out, she is. In no way is it any of my business to tell Christine O’Donnell that she should like sex, however I feel totally within my limits to give her some advice:

Be Professional. As someone who plans on living a life of ‘public service’ it would be helpful to note that the church and state are celebrating their 219th anniversary of separation. Don’t bring your personal problems with masturbation to work. 

Take What You Can Get. Stop denying that the 1996 hit film, The Craft was based on your college experiments with Witchcraft. It’s clear you love to exploit your past to gain attention.

It’s Not What You Wear, But What You Say. There are many great political leaders you can look to for ways to stop embarrassing yourself. Hilary Rodham Clinton is a perfect example of a great woman who, even though you may disagree with her ideas, demands the respect of the public. She is well spoken and prepared for her interviews and debates. Regardless if you like her or not, you’ll have an easier time digging up dirt on her bad outfit choices than you will trying to find an embarrassing interview. 

Perhaps if Christine O’Donnell started worrying more about what she was going to say during her next interview rather than on masturbating she would be in better shape. I say release that sexual tension; maybe she’ll finally be able to use that thing in between her ears (scientists call it a brain) to form some useful and relevant thoughts.


  1. Gotta love it. I hate her!

  2. Hate is a strong word... I feel sorry for her. It's like she doesn't even hear how dumb she sounds... My advice!? Smile and look pretty, leave the talking to the people who have something to say!
