Monday, October 25, 2010

Tip of The Week: Pillow Talk

Knowing your limit is of the upmost importance. Every now and again the party comes at you hard and you find yourself having too much fun to say no.

I'd been going strong since the half bottle of champagne consumed at dinner. The East Village hotel bar was packed, as per the Thursday night ritual, and shots of Patron were free flowing. I grabbed my friends arm, a look of horror across my face, "My Phone!"

Once said phone had been recovered, the kind server on the patio had rescued it from the darkness, we were back to the bar. It was the deadly combination of vodka, shots of espresso, mixed with god only knows what else that finally took me down.

Entering the bathroom stall, I felt as though I may be sick. Minutes later it came to me, the 'perfect' plan; I wasn't sick... I was just in need of a quick nap!

How to Nap Like a Pro 

In my drunken state I felt that the toilet was kind of gross and best not lean against it. Rather than taking this as a sign that I should be going home to bed, I used an entire roll of toilet paper and fashioned myself a massive pillow. Proud of my 'smart move', I was ready to catch some shut-eye.

The hard floor caused my sandal to dig into my ankle; it was most uncomfortable so in order to better enjoy my nap I removed the sandal.

Get ready for it, the full visual; legs sticking out of the stall, one shoe on, one shoe off. Beautiful girl sleeps with her head against the toilet, all while clutching a massive toilet paper pillow.

Note: When you are massively drunk, there is no such thing as the perfect idea.



  1. ahahahaha!! My favourite story ever - so glad you decided to share with everyone! xx

  2. Yes! The next time I went back (two days later) the bartender asked me if I wanted a sleeping bag with my glass of wine.
